Facebook Messenger 2.1.4590.16975

Facebook Messenger 2.1.4590.16975 | 12MB Facebook Messenger is the official program of Facebook , the Facebook Messenger you can chat on t... thumbnail 1 summary
Facebook Messenger 2.1.4590.16975
Facebook Messenger 2.1.4590.16975 | 12MB
Facebook Messenger is the official program of Facebook, the Facebook Messenger you can chat on the desktop with your friends on Facebook. The program is very simple and safe because you are not authorized to login using a password, but you will be sent via sms the code to login.

With Facebook Messenger you can chat, reply to the message and accept friend requests. To reply a comment, video chat and the other is not supported.

more details visit: https://www.facebook.com/help/messenger-for-windows

Facebook Messenger 2.1.4590.16975

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